2-5023 Johnston Rd. Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 5L6
Registered Massage Therapy in Port Alberni, BC
If you are a current patient you can manage your appointments through the online booking site. If you have seen me for massage therapy in another location I have enabled you to be able to book online &/or join my waitlist. Please click book online and make an account.
Please note that I am not taking ICBC or Worksafe cases at this time.
2-5023 Johnston Rd. Port Alberni, BC, V9Y 5L6
Beside the Golden Dragon restaurant on Margaret St. Parking available in front.
Monday, Wednesay and Thursdays
By appointment only.
Phone or Text
Email: lauramcmillanmassage@gmail.com
Please note that I do not have reception and due to the nature of my work I often cannot answer the phone.
My preferred method of contact is text or email with a contact number included. Thank you.

Laura moved to the Alberni Valley in 2016 and previously worked out the the Alberni Natural Health Group clinic.
Laura holds a Bachelors Degree from UBC in Human Kinetics-Exercise Science. After working for several years as a Kinesiologist Laura went back to school to complete her Registered Massage Therapist designation at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy-Halifax Campus.
In her spare time Laura enjoys spending time in the outdoors with her family and making art.
60 minutes: $125
45 minutes: $100
30 minutes: $65
I currently can do direct billing for Pacific Blue Cross.